Chiari Decompression

Chiari Decompression

This procedure is commonly performed to treat a Chiari malformation. The goal of surgery is to create more space around the back of the brain, therefore alleviating or preventing the worsening of symptoms.

The surgery is done under general anesthesia. The patient is positioned prone, and an incision is made in the back of the head down to the upper neck. A part of the bone in the back of the skull is removed, freeing up space for the back of the brain (cerebellum) and base of the brain (brainstem). Sometimes, the back of the first bone of the neck (C1) is also removed (laminectomy). The bones that are taken off do not need to be replaced. Sometimes, the covering of the brain (dura) is also opened, to create even more space. The tissues and skin are then closed as usual with sutures or staples.

Many patients recover quickly and are able to leave the hospital 2-3 days following surgery. Expectations and specifics about your case should be discussed in detail with your surgeon.