

Spondylosis is a general term for degeneration, or “wear and tear,” of the spine (also called arthritis or osteoarthritis). Spondylosis is very common, especially in older adults, and becomes more common with age.

Patients with spondylosis in their spine can have symptoms such as neck or back pain, muscle spasms, numbness, tingling, or pain in the arms or legs. These can all be caused by the spondylosis itself, or by a pinched nerve affecting the arm or leg. If the spondylosis affects the spinal cord directly, patients can develop numbness or weakness in the hands, problems with balance and gait, or urinary symptoms.

Many cases of spondylosis have no specific symptoms and do not require any treatment. If the spondylosis is causing symptoms, it can often be treated effectively with non-surgical options. These include:

Surgery is considered for selected patients who have failed these interventions and have a clear structural problem that can be corrected with surgery, such as

If you have spondylosis that is unrelieved by non-surgical treatments, feel free to contact my office for a consultation or imaging review.

MRI of the lumbar spine showing advanced degeneration