

Sciatica is a common name for pain in the distribution of the sciatic nerve – the largest and longest nerve in the human body. The sciatic nerve runs from the lower back, down the lower leg all the way to the feet. Sciatica may be described as a deep ache, to a sharp, burning pain that runs down the back or side of the leg, down to the feet. The pain may be accompanied by numbness, tingling, or weakness in the leg or foot. An estimated 5-10% of patients with low back pain also have sciatica.

The sciatic nerve may become inflamed, irritated, pinched or compressed due to a variety of conditions. Fortunately, many cases of sciatica can be treated effectively with non-surgical options. These include:

Surgery is considered for selected patients who have failed these interventions and have a clear structural problem that can be corrected with surgery, such as

If you have sciatica that is unrelieved by non-surgical treatments , feel free to contact my office for a consultation or imaging review.